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Empathy Exercise


Exhibition - Video installation:

6-channel video/audio projection

Tessellate Gallery, USA, 2017



In the context of an artistic residency at Tessellate Gallery, I posted an ad on Craigslist to find volunteers interested in participating in an empathy exercise. The exercise involved: 1. choosing a character from a story I had written, 2. embodying the character, and 3. filming themselves going about their daily life in Detroit (whether it was going to the dentist, the supermarket, or watching television), imagining they were the chosen character.


The result is a collaboration with Kolin Similo, Beck Rivera, Ana Valenzuela, Pixie Renny, and Oscar García, materialized in a video installation where the recorded footage from a month is projected. The purpose is to collectively reflect on stereotypes of good and evil in the context of an urban geography like Detroit, amidst supermarkets and parking lots.


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