Diez vueltas por hora
Video installation
Single-channel video projection + two books, 2021

Video installation produced within the Casa de Velázquez-Hangar residency (2021) and completed during the Jiser Reflexions Mediterrànies residency, titled 'Into Uncertain Present' (2022).
1. A 12-minute single-channel video featuring archival footage documenting Ecuador in the 90s from extreme angles. A collective and epistolary reflection on the representation of power.
2. Two artist's books with photographs and letters exchanged between Bryan Heredia and Juan Andrés Cuéllar, Ecuadorian artists based in Madrid.
Screenings / Exhibitions
CASA&CO - Inquietudes en movimiento,
Casa de Velázquez // Madrid, 2022
Into Uncertain Present,
La Boîte // Tunis, 2022
Into Uncertain Present,
Laterna Magica Museum // Copenhagen, 2022
Into Uncertain Present,
All Art Now // Stockholm, 2022
Into Uncertain Present,
Videoformes // Marseille, 2023
Into Uncertain Present,
Magmart XIII // Italy, 2023